Your resource for comprehensive, supportive self-paced courses, group coaching programs, memberships, and individual consulting to serve you and guide you as you navigate the challenges of supporting patients and loved ones diagnosed with dementia.  

Hi, I'm Haely!

I never imagined that I would be a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, Certified Dementia Care Specialist, Legislative Advocate in the state of Kansas, and Multriprenur of 6 companies, but here I am! 

I’m sure you never imagined you would be here either, but here you are, on your own journey, needing a guiding hand. 

I’m honored you are here and I’m here to help. My passion is empowering and educating and I believe that this combination can move mountains. Support is lacking so much in this day and age. Gone are the days when we wear one hat and have one title. Knowing how to navigate systems, set healthy boundaries, and utilize unknown resources can change the trajectory of your journey.

Let’s walk together on the adventure of education and empowerment.

Families & Caregivers

Guidance and support for those caring for someone with Dementia. You are so overwhelmed, you don’t know where to start but envision giving your loved one the happiest, most peaceful life possible.

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Healthcare Administrators

Support designed specifically for Licensed Nursing Home Administrators who are seeking guidance in this crazy and hectic profession so that you can lead with confidence and pride.

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Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Coaching & Consulting for Business Owners & Entrepreneurs who feel like they’re drowning and know that something is wrong, but don’t know what and want to build an empire to leave a legacy.

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 Dementia Discoveries

Do you now find yourself caring for someone with Dementia? Do you know someone with a Dementia diagnosis? Are you wanting more education to know the warning signs and how to make a journey with Dementia a little easier? Then come join us in Dementia Discoveries.  There are over 150 different types of Dementia! Every individual and every day is unique. When living with a Dementia diagnosis,  knowledge is power and support is mandatory.  Let's learn together by empowering you and walking this journey together!


Administrators Academy

Are you a brand new Licensed Nursing Home Administrator or Operator? Are you seasoned in your trade,  but looking to always learn and have more support? Then Administrator Academy is perfect for you. Passing your board exam is one thing,  but knowing how to lead your organization and those in it... well,  it's a whole other skill set. In Administrator Academy,  we'll discuss everything from Communication and F-tags to Human Resources, Staffing,  Resident sexuality, and more.

*Kansas ADM credits available for courses!


Everlasting Empire

Are you a new Entrepreneur? Are you thinking about starting a business? Overwhelmed by topics such as: Hiring and Interviewing, Unemployment, Employee communication,  Handbooks,  Policies & Procedures, and more? Do you just wish you knew what you needed to know? Everlasting Empire is here to help.  Let me utilize my 14 years of Entrepreneur life to share my experiences and the lessons I wish I had someone guide me through. Most businesses fail in the first year.  Those lucky enough to make it past that,  fail in the first 5 years.  Let's equip you to build a legacy and leave an empire!


We're Blushing...

"I’ve been a programmer for years and still learned a ton.

Alex Rhodes

Computer Programmer

"I was nervous about learning to code, but these courses are amazing!

Jason Shine

Student at MSU

"I have taken 3 courses so far and can’t wait to take more.

Christy Smith


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